The Impact of Your Gift

Kiara had mixed emotions about her positive pregnancy test. She enjoyed a carefree lifestyle and considered herself pro-choice and career oriented. Kiara and the father of her baby shared an apartment and they assumed that people would think they were foolish to give up their current lifestyle. Yet, Kiara met several times with a Birthright counselor and began to consider having her baby. She lacked confidence in her ability to be a good mother. After trusting her counselors pledge to guide and support her, Kiara decided to carry her baby and her boyfriend was supportive. Along with her Birthright counselor, Kiara secured health insurance, participated in Birthright’s education support group and workshops, received baby items and rearranged her life to provide a safe, healthy and secure home for her daughter. Kiara plans to meet with her counselor for as long as she needs after her baby is born.

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