April 11, 2024
St. Clement of Rome Parish
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sponsored by St. Clement of Rome and St. Gerard Majella Parishes
Thank you to everyone who came and made this event so special!

Sponsored by St. Clement of Rome and St. Gerard Majella Parishes
Thank you to everyone who came and made this event so special!
The Impact of Your Gift
Natalie came to Birthright distraught about her pregnancy. She had a two-year-old daughter with autism who needed extensive care and attention. Both Natalie and her husband worked minimum wage jobs and were living paycheck to paycheck. At 20 weeks gestation, an ultrasound showed her baby had spina bifida and hydrocephalus. Several physicians encouraged Natalie to terminate her pregnancy. She struggled with thoughts of how an abortion might protect her baby from a painful life. After talking with her counselor again, she made the decision to have her baby. Birthright was able to help Bella with her depression and uncovered medical expenses through the Melissa's Smile fund. Natalie continued coming in for supportive counseling to adjust to the special care her baby required. Birthright mothers with special needs babies never feel that they are walking their difficult path alone.
The Impact of Your Gift
Sondra was in high school when she found out she was pregnant. Her parents were extremely disappointed and made an appointment for her to have an abortion. Sondra was very confused and could not go through with the abortion. She found Birthright and began meeting regularly with a Birthright professional counselor. Sondra's counselor connected her with resources for prenatal care, encouraged her to finish high school and helped her to get job training. Birthright provided rental assistance to Sondra as well as a layette and other necessary items for her baby. Meeting regularly with her counselor and talking to loving Birthright volunteers helped Sondra deal with all her anxieties about motherhood. She found that she was excited about having her baby. Today Sondra's son is 35 years old and she cannot imagine her life without him. Sondra has no regrets about her decision and feels grateful every time she sees a Birthright sign.
The Impact of Your Gift
Kiara had mixed emotions about her positive pregnancy test. She enjoyed a carefree lifestyle and considered herself pro-choice and career oriented. Kiara and the father of her baby shared an apartment and they assumed that people would think they were foolish to give up their current lifestyle. Yet, Kiara met several times with a Birthright counselor and began to consider having her baby. She lacked confidence in her ability to be a good mother. After trusting her counselors pledge to guide and support her, Kiara decided to carry her baby and her boyfriend was supportive. Along with her Birthright counselor, Kiara secured health insurance, participated in Birthright's education support group and workshops, received baby items and rearranged her life to provide a safe, healthy and secure home for her daughter. Kiara plans to meet with her counselor for as long as she needs after her baby is born.
The Impact of Your Gift
Sarah came to Birthright for a pregnancy test. She was scared and alone. When her counselor told her that the test was positive, she began to cry saying, "I can't do this. I already have four children and my boyfriend will be furious when he finds out. I need to get an abortion today." After Sarah took some deep breaths, she was able to tell the counselor her story. The father of her babies had been physically abusive to her for over 15 years. She said she did not want to have an abortion but could not bring another child into this situation. The counselor and Sarah worked together to find a secure and safe apartment away from her abuser. Birthright was able to help Sarah with her first few months of rent so that she could focus on preparing for the baby and making sure her children were safe. Sarah brought her baby boy home and her family is currently thriving in an environment of love and non-violence.
The Impact of Your Gift
Monica came to Birthright for a pregnancy test with a twelve week old baby in her arms. She was devastated to learn she was pregnant again. Monica’s doctor had advised her not to get pregnant again due to her congenital heart defect. Plus, her husband of seven years had relapsed on his addiction to heroin. Birthright referred Monica to an obstetrician who provided her with an ultrasound and some hope that she would be able to carry this baby to term even with her heart condition. Monica began meeting with a Birthright counselor weekly. Unfortunately, Monica’s husband began using all their money for drugs and would disappear for days. Birthright helped Monica with her utilities. As he became more and more violent, Monica was forced call the police. After delivering a healthy baby girl, Monica immediately filed for divorce and a restraining order for herself and her children. When her husband was served with the documents, the situation became very violent. Thankfully a neighbor called the police and Monica escaped to a safe house with her children. Birthright's counseling and support helped Monica and her children move into an apartment. She has secured employment and volunteers as an advocate for abused women.